All Woman Artist Exhibition of the Lalit Kala akademi: More than 250 artworks from 12 countries were exhibited.


Though there is no end to artistry, but when any artwork reaches its fullness, its beauty is seen telling many stories. Something similar was seen in the Lalit Kala Academy. Where #AllWomensCamp dedicated to women artists are seen telling many beautiful stories.

The artifacts prepared at this national art camp were displayed on 8 March at Rabindra Bhavan Gallery along with more than 250 artworks of national and international women artists.

Explain that Culture and Tourism Minister Prahlada Singh Patel inaugurated the 'Akshay Patra', a women's art exhibition organized by Lalit Kala Akademi at Ravindra Bhavan on 8 March 2021.

The event was inaugurated on the occasion of International Women's Day.

Speaking on the occasion, President of the Lalit Kala Akademi, Dr. Uttam Pacharane ji, while giving his views, said that during the National Art Camp organized by the Lalit Kala Akademi at Garhi Regional Center, the form of art given to women through different means is amazing It is joyful for all of us. The way women are coming forward in the field of art, it is a great service to the culture. It is a big nation's wealth. "

This exhibition will continue till 20 March 2021.

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